This post is about the beading I have been doing this month. A week from Monday I'll be teaching a class on the Dutch Spiral technique. It is an easy stitch that can be used for bracelets or for necklace ropes. When I did the Recycle project I did a dutch spiral for the rope for the large center cab.
This green one has a toggle and loop closing.
This red, white and black one has an antique glass button and loop for a closure.
I've also been working on this odd count peyote stitch cuff bracelet. The pictures don't do it justice, most of the delicas are metallic hex beads and they reflect the light and make it hard to get a good photo. I have about half an inch left to bead and the I need to add some beads on the outside and decide if I will use two buttons as the patten suggests or some other type of closure. I love the way the designer had incorporated the triangles and the curved lines. Pattern is from Bead & Button Magazine and the designer is Eileen Spitz. You can find it on the B&B website.
This bracelet was really fun to do, I think it was 14 colors of delica's all together. The pattern is from the Bead iMag, a UK publication you can subscribe to and read your magazine on line and print all or just the parts you want. They have some really interesting projects and with a subscription you have access to all of the issues ever published plus all the ones published during your subscription term.
These are really lovely. I can't imagine doing the design in delicas. No patience. I am amazed at yours.